MMtM 2020 Day 22: Tools & Materials

Today I decided to show off my favorite tools that I use all the time, whether it be for knitting, sewing, or 3D printing.

Left: 24" x 5" ruler with lip edge from O'Lipha. I've had this for 18 years and it's still my main cutting ruler.

Top row: OXO 11lb digital scale, which I use to weigh both yarn and filament. X-Acto knife for cleaning up 3D prints. Putty knife for getting prints off the printer bed. Seam ripper. Platinum Preppy fountain pen, which is a great cheap fountain pen. Pencil. Prismacolor Scholar pencil sharpener.

Middle row: 2.5" x 6.5" ruler I got at QuiltCon in 2015. Thread snips. Tape measure. Cyanoacrylate glue (aka Super Glue) + accelerant spray. Painters tape to help 3D prints stick to the bed.

Bottom row: Fiskars rotary cutter. Fiskars little snips. Mundial fabric scissors that are only used for fabric. My favorite knitting needle: US 6 16" circular by ChiaoGoo, which is perfect for hats. Sharp tapestry needle for weaving in yarn ends. Flat head sewing pins, Curved quilting safety pins. Various stitch markers.


MMtM 2020 Day 23: Photography


MMtM 2020 Day 21: Change