Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 14 - No gatekeeping

Gatekeeping is when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. An example would be an exchange something like: “Oh, I like Pokémon too!” “Really??? Well, if you really like Pokémon, then what’s the third evolution of Sandile?” Gatekeeping can also be an attitude that if someone doesn’t use the “nice” tools or the “right” tools, then they’re not a “real” maker.

Here at Loops of Gray, I totally reject gatekeeping. The maker community is exactly that, a community. And the goal should be to get more people interesting in making. It’s not an elite group where only the experience people are allowed to be. People of all skill levels and who have whatever resources available are makers if they want to call themselves makers.

I don’t care what sort of knitting needles or yarn you are using. Are you having fun knitting? Awesome, come join us. Only make t-shirt quilts and are intimidating by fancy piecing? Don’t care, you’re a quilter. Only have access to a 3D printer at a Makerspace and don’t have your own one? Welcome to the 3D printing community.

There is always room for more makers and I strive to always be welcoming and encouraging to everyone who wants to try new things.

Shawl pattern is Dohne by Gretha Mensen


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 15 - Ravelry


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 13 - Marking charts