Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 31 - Trello

Trello is the main way I keep track of all my Loops of Gray projects. I put things in various lists and move them along as they progress as well as manage their priority.

There’s a list of projects that are just in the idea phase that haven’t been fleshed out in more details. They’re mostly stuff I might get around to eventually or I need to think more about. Next is the backlog which are projects in progress, but aren’t actively being worked for some reason.

The bulk of the organization is in the Accepted list. These are projects that I have agreed to make for someone (and sometimes myself) or projects that I know I want to make in the near future. The higher on the list, the higher priority and if there is a due date, I will add that to the card as well.

The in progress and done lists are pretty straightforward. It always feels good moving something in progress to done. :) My board is public, so feel free to check out what’s in the queue!

Shawl pattern is Baby Sunshine by Kelly van Niekerk


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 32 - Thankful


Shawl Every Day 2021 - Day 30 - Sewing machine feet