#shawleveryday2019 Day 16


We are about 1/6th of the way through #shawleveryday2019 and I just want to remind you that I am raising money for Independence Center. You can donate to the campaign directly or, when you buy a shawl, I will donate half of the sale price to the campaign.

One of the great things that Independence Center does is provide housing for people who are members of the programs. They have 70 apartments throughout the city, 30 of which offer 24-hour support for those who need the most critical care.

Details about this shawl
Stripe Study shawl pattern

P.S. The GoFundMe campaign is linked directly to Independence Center, so when the campaign is over, the funds go directly to them and not through me first.


#shawleveryday2019 Day 17


#shawleveryday2019 Day 15