#shawleveryday2019 Day 33
Over a month into #shawleveryday2019 and there's still lots more to talk about! As a reminder, I am raising money for the Independence Center, which provides help and services to those experiencing serious and persistent mental health issues. You can donate to my campaign (funds go directly to Independence Center and not through me) or I will donate half the sale price of any shawl purchased.
One of the services Independence Center provides is employment assistance, including:
Instruction in resume preparation
Interview training
Assistance with individualized job searches
Employment workshops
Job development
Job placement services
On-the-job training and supports
Ongoing follow-up for both the employer and employee
Lifetime job retention and upgrading services
They work with almost 100 local employers to place members in Transitional Employment, Independent Employment, and Supported Employment. Adults with mental illness can and want to work, and Independence Center can help.
Details about this shawl
Titanium shawl pattern