#shawleveryday2019 Day 38


Journaling can be a great tool to help you with your mental health. At its core, it just "writing life down." It can help you more objectively view your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and better see the perspectives of others. When we are in the moment of a frustrating or negative experience, it can be hard to see how to make the situation better. But by writing things down, you may be able to assess what happened and why and how you can make better choices next time.

There can be pitfalls with journaling, as it can sometimes continue the negative feelings and thoughts, so I recommend reading this article about how to more effectively journal. One tip he doesn't mention is that a physical journal where you write with an actual pen and use actual paper is better than using an app on your phone. The physical act of writing can be more beneficial in transferring your thoughts to the paper.

Do you journal? If so, what are your tips and suggestions?

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#shawleveryday2019 Day 39


#shawleveryday2019 Day 37