#shawleveryday2019 Day 40
I've mentioned the super bright lamps a few times, so today I'd like to talk about them in a little more detail, along with seasonal affective disorder in general.
As I mentioned yesterday, bright light increases the serotonin in your body, which is associated with happiness and well-being. The best way to get light is outside from the sun, but that can be hard during the winter when there isn't as much sunlight. This lack of light is a factor in seasonal affective disorder, which is a type of depression that is related to the change of seasons.
Symptoms of SAD are similar to that of major depressive disorder, but typically only present themselves starting in the fall and lifting during spring.
feeling down most of the day, most days
losing interest in activities you previously enjoyed
low energy
problems sleeping
weight or appetite changes
thoughts of death or suicide
Light therapy is an easy to use part of treatment for SAD, along with talk therapy. If you choose to get a lamp, make sure that is is rated with at least 10,000 lux and filters out UV rays. It's also best to use it in the morning, shortly after you wake up, for about 20-30 minutes with it sitting about 16-24 inches from your face.
Details about this shawl
Psh Shawl pattern