#shawleveryday2019 Day 63


I was super frazzled today, so I really struggled with getting a blog post together. My therapist said I'm supposed to do 20 minutes of self care every day, which I also find hard to do. One idea Brian found was to write down 5 things that you are grateful for that day, so here it goes:

  1. I'm grateful that my work offers flexible work-from-home time so that I can adjust my life when things don't go as planned

  2. I'm grateful for the baking and pastry training I've had, as it allows me to work through a recipe I've never made before to hopefully get better results

  3. I'm grateful that I have the money and ability to buy frozen meals ahead of time for when I'm in a rush and don't have the time or energy to cook a full meal

  4. I'm grateful for friends who believe in me and who take the time out of their day and money out of their budget to support me and spread my work

  5. I'm grateful for technology that works most of the time. It may not always do exactly what I want, but for the most part, it's alright

Details about this cowl
Double Knit Kraken Cowl pattern


#shawleveryday2019 Day 64


#shawleveryday2019 Day 62