#shawleveryday2019 Day 73


I've written previously about what things NOT to say to someone experiencing a mental health issue. But what are good things that you should say?

  • How are you doing today?

  • Do you want to go for a walk/go to the movies/grab a bite to eat?

  • I'm so glad you're in my life.

  • I don't know exactly how to help you, but I'm sorry you're hurting

  • You are not alone.

  • We will get through this together.

There is a great post on Reddit that I have saved and reference from time to time, which has a lot of great ideas on how to be a good friend to someone with a mental illness.

  • Do not treat me as though I no longer have a brain. Do not hover.

  • Know that when I say "There's nothing you can do to help," it probably means it's the time when I need you the most.

  • Accept when I say I can't, even if I could the day before.

  • Know that this isn't your fault. This isn't my fault either. I didn't ask for this and can't just will it away with happy thoughts. Be there anyway.

  • Finally and most importantly, always remember that I love you. Please love me, for that's the only way we will get through this together. Alone is so much harder.

Most importantly, remember that they are the same person you know and love before you learned they had a mental illness. Treat the person with empathy and compassion. Offering to listen is just as powerful as saying something.

Details about this shawl
Litla Shoulder Warmer/Shawlette pattern


#shawleveryday2019 Day 74


#shawleveryday2019 Day 72