Soul Box Project
My work gives us 1 paid day a year to do volunteer work in the community. Last week I chose to fold boxes for The Soul Box Project . They are collecting and exhibiting origami boxes to raise awareness of the US gunfire epidemic. Each Soul Box holds space for one life lost or injured by gun violence, defense, accident or suicide. The St. Louis Arts Chamber of Commerce has set a goal of 6,000 boxes to represent those in the STL area who have died or been injured by gunfire.
I chose to focus on folding boxes for those who have died by suicide or were killed by someone who then died by suicide.
The 16 boxes on the left are for specific people in the St. Louis area. You'll notice that some are the same color, which were part of the same murder-suicide event. Each box has something that represents that person specifically. I did research about the person, read their obituaries, and I hope I captured at least a little something that was important to them.
The 16 boxes on the right are for unnamed people, whose lives also matter. Whose lives are gone. Whose lives are missed.
If you are having thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline '1-800-273-TALK (8255)' It's not too late. There is hope. I love you.