Learn anything* and support suicide prevention.

How it Works

  1. Decide to learn something. It can be a big thing or a small thing. It can take several weeks or it can take 20 minutes. My specialty is obviously fiber arts, but a bunch more ideas are below. I’m open to whatever you want to learn!

  2. Coordinate a lesson time and place via email or Discord

  3. Donate to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention via the button below. The amount is totally up to you. Even $1 helps.

  4. ???

  5. (Non-)Profit!

    • learn to knit

    • basic increases and decreases

    • cast ons and bind offs

    • reading a pattern

    • lace

    • cables

    • colorwork

    • hats

    • shawls

    • knit repair

    • learn to crochet

    • basic increases and decreases

    • reading a pattern

    • granny squares

    • plushies

    • fancy stitches

    • crochet repair

    • learn to use a sewing machine

    • learn to use a rotary cutter

    • basic quilting

    • foundation paper piecing

    • zipper pouches

    • bags/purses

    • basic garments

    • basic garment mending/tailoring

    • finding a model

    • printing with an SLA printer

    • designing your own model

    • making veggie stock

    • vegetize a non-vegetarian recipe

    • reading a recipe

    • adapting a recipe

    • make your own french fries

    • bread baking

    • cake baking and decorating

    • cookies

    • pastries

    • ice cream

    • cocktails

    • Tower Grove Farmer’s Market

    • find a bra that fits (no, really!)

    • hockey watching

    • logo/fonts/social media posts

    • origami/papercraft

    • calligraphy

    • hand lettering

    • embroidery

    • cross stitch

    • pattern design

    • mental health resources

    • LEGO building

    • puzzles

    • glass etching

    • grilling

    • using a wok

    • fancy garment sewing

    • duct tape dress form

    • painting

    • English paper piecing

    • guitar, ukulele, flute, saxophone

    • songwriting/music theory

    • improv quilting

    • knit socks

    • T-shirt quilts

    • tarot

    • yoga

    • writing and editing

    • screen printing

    • ceramics

    • jewelry making

    • blacksmithing

    • candles

    • bath and body products

    • fencing

    • lingerie making

    • woodworking

Upcoming Infinite Whatever Lessons

Past Infinite Whatever Lessons