

I've written before about how I likely have some form of dermatillomania (skin picking), which is related to OCD and anxiety. It gets worse during times of stress, so it's no surprise that I'm having a flare up right now.

My husband will frequently tell me "don't pick", which is sometimes really hard to hear. I obviously know I shouldn't, but there is a great sense of relief (thanks dopamine!) when I finally get off that little hanging bit of skin. It's hard to keep the big picture in mind, to remember that it's more important to take care of my skin than to relieve anxiety by damaging it.

Ointment helps, Band-Aids help, skin care products help, and of course my anti-anxiety meds help. In these times of great stress, I may want to pick at my scabs, but I have to remember to be kind to my skin and be kind to myself.


NAMI Walk 2020


Carrie Fisher