How are you doing?
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

How are you doing?

How are you doing? What are you doing for self care today? Life kind of sucks right now and it's okay not to be okay. Do something small today that is just for yourself, even if it's as simple as taking a shower or giving yourself a compliment.

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Physical health vs. mental health
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

Physical health vs. mental health

Too often, this is how we feel when we want to talk about our mental health. But remember that it's okay to not be okay. It's okay to tell someone that you're really struggling that day and that you might need a few extra cat memes to help you out.

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Project R.E.D. Team
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

Project R.E.D. Team

Veterans comprise more than 22% of all suicides in the United States. More than 22 veterans and active duty service members complete suicide each day on average in the United States.

Project R.E.D. Team is focused on mental health challenges for those who commit their lives to the safety and health of the community.

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mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan


Have you switched your therapy to phone calls or even Zoom? Do you think it's more beneficial than in-person therapy or do both have their place? Have you been unable to get therapy because your provider doesn't offer teletherapy?

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STL Behavioral Health
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

STL Behavioral Health

Life is super crazy right now, and I know it's wearing on my mental health. I am lucky to have an established therapist who I am meeting with every other week to help navigate all the emotions involved with dealing with COVID-19.

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Post-partum depression
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

Post-partum depression

I'm not a mother, nor do I plan to be one, so I always feel unqualified to talk about postpartum depression. But I do my best to read the research from reputable sources to gather as much information as I can. In case someone were to reach out to me, I want to be able to understand what they might be going through and be able to point them in a good direction.

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Therapy is for everyone
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

Therapy is for everyone

Therapy is the best. It really is. I know there's still a lot of stigma about going to therapy. That it means you're broken, that it means you're doing it wrong, that it means you don't have your shit together. Well, heads up, therapy is for everyone.

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mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan


Derealization has been hitting me hard today. It's such a weird feeling that's hard to describe. It's like I'm watching a movie, but I'm also part of it and it's also physically unsettling.

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NAMI Walk 2020
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

NAMI Walk 2020

On May 30th, I will be participating in NAMI St. Louis 's virtual NAMI Walk. This year, it's time to get creative! You can walk a 5K - through your neighborhood, around your backyard, on your treadmill. Or you can do something else meaningful and fun to celebrate the virtual walk day.

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mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan


I've written before about how I likely have some form of dermatillomania (skin picking), which is related to OCD and anxiety. It gets worse during times of stress, so it's no surprise that I'm having a flare up right now.

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Carrie Fisher
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

Carrie Fisher

For Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!), I'd like to talk a little bit about Carrie Fisher. She was very open about her bipolar diagnosis and she helped paved the way for celebrities to be open about their mental health concerns.

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Mental health resources
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

Mental health resources

Over the years, I have put together a massive list of mental health resources, from addiction to self harm, from finding a therapist to hockey players talking about their mental health. If there's anything you need, I've gathered it on my website. If there's any topics you think I've missed or you have been wondering about, please let me know. Feel free to share with anyone who might need some assistance and doesn't know where to go.

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You are not alone
mental health Melissa Eagan mental health Melissa Eagan

You are not alone

It is estimated that 1 in 5 adults in the US experience mental health concerns. It may feel like no one understands what you are going through, but there are people out there (including me!) who totally get it. By being open about what you are struggling with, it can help you find other people who are experiencing the same thing. Finding someone who knows what you're talking about is incredibly connecting and encouraging.

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