Therapy is for everyone


Therapy is the best. It really is. I know there's still a lot of stigma about going to therapy. That it means you're broken, that it means you're doing it wrong, that it means you don't have your shit together. Well, heads up, therapy is for everyone.

Yes, sometimes therapy is needed for deeply traumatic events or extremely critical situations, but it can also just help you navigate through this crazy thing we call life.

A therapist can help you understand and build relationships. They can make you see the things about yourself that you couldn't see for yourself. They are a 3rd party that can give advice to navigate a tough spot in your life. You don't need to go every week or even regularly at all, but having someone in your corner who can help you out when you need it is extremely valuable.

If you need help finding a therapist, feel free to reach out to me or check out Psychology Today's Find a Therapist service:


Self care isn’t selfish

