You are not alone


It is estimated that 1 in 5 adults in the US experience mental health concerns. It may feel like no one understands what you are going through, but there are people out there (including me!) who totally get it. By being open about what you are struggling with, it can help you find other people who are experiencing the same thing. Finding someone who knows what you're talking about is incredibly connecting and encouraging.

I know this all sounds a little hokey and fluffy, but it's true. Being open about my mental health struggles has allowed me to be myself and to help others who are also struggling. It allows other people to also open up and be themselves. And we can all be there for each other, knowing that maybe someone needs a little extra love.

It may feel like we are currently being isolated from each other, but there are still ways to reach out and share and laugh and have fun.

You matter. You are heard. You are not alone.


Mental health resources


Mental Health Awareness Month 2020