Post-partum depression


I'm not a mother, nor do I plan to be one, so I always feel unqualified to talk about postpartum depression. But I do my best to read the research from reputable sources to gather as much information as I can. In case someone were to reach out to me, I want to be able to understand what they might be going through and be able to point them in a good direction.

It is estimated that 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression, which is more than just the "baby blues."

Symptoms include:

  • excessive guilt

  • anxiety

  • problems with sleep

  • thoughts of harming yourself or your baby

While the "baby blues" often goes away within a couple weeks after birth once hormones stabilize a little, postpartum depression symptoms can go on for months. So often PPD goes untreated, so it's important to bring it up to your doctor or pediatrician or other medical professional if something just doesn't feel right.

It's okay to have those feelings and it's okay to get help. You are not alone and you don't have to go through it alone. Much love to all the mothers out there, especially ones who are struggling.


STL Behavioral Health


Self care isn’t selfish