Medicine takes time to work

Medication for a mental illness is definitely not some sort of "quick fix." It's not like you just take some pills and things get better immediately. Mental health medication takes time to work and the first one you take may not even be the right one for you.

In order to see if a medication is working, you should give it at least 2 weeks if not a month before evaluating the medication and dosage. It could be that you just need a higher dosage. It could be that that medication doesn't work for you. But luckily, there are a lot of different options available that you and your doctor can work through.

Medication for mental illness is very much a "guess and check" sort of situation, because things work so differently in each person. While it can be very frustrating to not feel better right away, finding the right long-term medication can be life-changing.

I went through 3 other medications before landing on a combination that works for me, and it took some dosage tweaking to get it right even after that. I highly recommend being communicative with your doctor about what is working and what is not so that you can find something that helps you feel better and is appropriate for your lifestyle.


The Perspective Project


Medication does not mean you are weak