Mental Health First Aid


I posted about Mental Health First Aid in general during #shawleveryday2019, but today Brian and I were able to attend the course for ourselves. While I did know a lot of things already, I felt that it was very valuable and is a great addition to my toolbox.

Many of us know basic physical first aid, which we might never or rarely use, but mental health first aid is likely to be used much more often. 1 in 4 adults experience a mental health concern, so it's critical that we are able to respond appropriately to someone who might be in crisis. Mental health first aid is an invaluable skill and something everyone can and should learn.

The biggest takeaway from the class is the "ALGEE" action plan that provides a great framework that can be used to talk to someone in any mental health situation.

  1. Assess for risk of suicide or harm

  2. Listen non-judgementally

  3. Give reassurance and information

  4. Encourage appropriate professional help

  5. Encourage self-help and other support strategies

I don't see any classes listed in St. Louis through at least October, so if you'd like to borrow the manual I got to take home, just let me know. Also, definitely feel free to ask me or Brian any questions you might have about the class. I highly recommend checking it out, so keep an eye on the events page for the Eastern Missouri chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, which sponsors the course.


Out of the Darkness Community Walk

