#shawleveryday2019 Day 4
One overlooked symptom of depression is the Impossible Task.
The Impossible Task could be anything: going to the bank, refilling a prescription, making your bed, checking your email, paying a bill. From the outside, its sudden impossibility makes ZERO sense. Because the task is rarely actually difficult or something you've done a thousand times, it's hard for outsiders to have sympathy. Questions of "Why don't you just do it and get it over with?" don't actually help the person suffering.
If you currently have one or more Impossible Tasks in your life, be gentle with yourself. You're not a screw up; depression is just an asshole. Impossible Tasks are usually so dumb that it's embarrassing to ask for help, but the people who love you should be glad to lend a hand.
More info about Impossible Tasks
Details about this cowl
Honey cowl pattern